Jason Rupard (rupj.net)

Object Oriented SQL Engine
C++; Win32; Flex&Bison;


Object Oriented SQL Engine Pic This is my implementation of an SQL engine during an undergraduate direct independent study, spring 2003.  I used Flex and Bison to define the SQL grammar and parser generation.  Inner joins were implemented with conditional predicates.  I called my engine Object Oriented because I envisioned the engine storing and manipulating objects: images, sound, graphs, etc.  The internal API was extensible to allow for other objects and manipulation algorithms.  For example, store and manipulated images files with an image processing algorithm.  In one semester's time I was only able to implement the base SQL engine, image viewing, and graph generation based on table data.

  • OODB SQL Guide [ pdf ]
  • OODB Data Structures [ pdf ]
  • Available on request
C#; ASP.NET; SOAP; C; C++; Win32; GCC; Flex&Bison; Parrot;

© 2008 Jason Rupard